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Invitation2Freedom Podcast - Reclaim your natural God-given rights for people who love freedom

Let's look into how we got here...

Why did the Founding Fathers lay down their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to establish our Republic? 

Do you know the difference between a Representative Republic and a Democratic form of Government?

Are we really protected under the Constitution?

What is constructive law vs natural law?

What is the Golden Rule?

How did we lose our freedoms?

Now, what can we do?

Invitation2Freedom Podcast - Reclaim your natural God-given rights for people who love freedom


This is YOUR Invitation2Freedom!

The podcast that explores reclaiming our natural God-given rights for people who love freedom. Each episode will explore topics from how we got were we are to what a peaceful journey looks like to get back to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!

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Invitation2Freedom Podcast - Reclaim your natural God-given rights for people who love freedom
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